ADHD and Chiropractic

If you have a child with ADD/ADHD you know what kind of anguish and heartache it can cause for a family. Many parents in this situation find themselves at their wits end and feeling like they have no good options.
The fact is that the medications prescribed for ADD/ADHD is down right scary and most parents would love to avoid them. Drugs like Ritalin, Adderol, Concerta, etc are schedule 2 controlled substances which means (1) they are highly addictive & (2) they must be kept under lock and key.
We have had great success helping children who suffer from ADD and many families are back to “normal” because of our care. How does it work? Well, when the nervous system is under pressure and being damaged from a misaligned spine it essentially causes static throughout the system. When the nervous system is over firing and “staticy” it very uncomfortable for the child. Imagine someone flipping channels in your brain at a very high rate of speed! When the child is in motion (running all around the room acting wild) the body is firing of mechanoreceptors (good nerve impulses) that calm the nervous system.
When this happens it is calming to the child and gives their nervous system relief. They are running all over the place driving you crazy but for them it’s almost like therapy. The chiropractic adjustment is designed to detect and correct areas where the nerves are being pinched or damaged and restore normal motion thus calming the nervous system. It literally is like adjusting the bunny ears on a staticky TV so that the signal comes through perfectly clear. The child’s spine often gets misaligned through the birth process as well as hundreds of falls and spills as the child grows, learns to walk, and begins sports. Nutrition plays a large role in how we can help as well. Reducing/eliminating sugar, increasing protein and increasing good fats can make a huge difference. We also utilize 2 specific supplements that often yield a noticeable change in a week or less. If you would like more help with this condition or know a parent who is dealing with a difficult child in this situation please call our office and set up an appointment.
Squished nerves = ADD/ADHD. Get your kids checked!