Doctor’s Blog
Don’t Get Shark Bit
Imagine that you are on vacation in the tropics. A couple hundred yards of a white sandy beach, you and your family are snorkeling in deep blue water and having tons of fun. You think to yourself, "man, life is good!" with a big smile. Then... You look just past one...
What I Do When I’m Sick
1. GET ADJUSTED: I won't spend too much time on this one but I have to put it #1 because it has THE BIGGEST impact on immunity. The nervous system controls the immune system. These are the weeks where bonus adjustments rock! 2. CONGAPLEX: Congaplex is a massive immune...
The Valley of The Blind
In the story, The Valley Of The Blind by HG Wells, a man travels into a long lost valley where he encounters a society where not only have the people lost their eyes, they possess no knowledge of eyesight whatsoever. Then, a lost man comes from modern times who has...
What Do You Do When The Power Goes Out?
Imagine sitting in your home when the lights go out… the TV goes out… the heater goes out… the computer goes out… literally every appliance in your house quits all at the same time. What do you do? Where would you go to try to fix the problem??? That’s right, THE...
Oil Pulling
The Mouth-Body Connection Although oil pulling is commonly used to aid people in healing their oral health issues, such as gingivitis, tooth sensitivity, plaque buildup, and more, it also has been found to actually improve a person’s overall physical health. “The...
Nutritional Inflation
99% of America is Nutrient Deficient. This means that 99% of American’s (including our children) are missing some essential factor needed for normal growth and development. When you think of all of the diagnosis of ADD, ADHD, autism, allergies, and digestive issues,...
NP Kit Letter
We are so excited to help you find the cause of your problem and correct it naturally, without drugs or surgery! You are reading this because someone cares about you and wants you to be better. This offer includes EXAMINATION, X-RAYS, HYDROMASSAGE, & REPORT OF...
Magnesium (natural calm)
Magnesium and calcium are fundamental nutrients that need to be in balance with each other in order for you to fully experience good health. Their importance on a cellular level is critical. Calcium and magnesium are like opposite sides of a coin. Calcium excites...
Weight loss Made Easy
How To Take Out The Trash When it comes to weight loss we have a track record of being able to help people who have failed with most other methods. Some people call it miraculous weight loss but it’s really not. I am about to share with you how we can help people...
What Do These Two Golf Superstars Have in Common?
If I was going to give you three guesses to what is the one commonality between the two winners of the last three of golf’s major championships, I bet you would be wrong. Its not the same clubs, balls, or even clothing sponsor. The answer is CHIROPRACTIC! Jordan...