
You have heard it a thousand times. But do you really know why it is so important? What a difference it can make in your immediate and long term health? Breakfast, literally meaning to break the fasting period of the prior night, is the first meal taken after rising from a night’s sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day’s work. It kick starts your metabolism or starts your engine if you will. Breakfast also (provided you are eating what you should be)  will get your blood sugar levels where they need to be so that your body can use its energy to get things accomplished throughout the day  rather than trying to digest the processed food that your body was never designed to ingest in the first place.

Used to, Native American Breakfast consisted of corn meal, porridge and a lot of high carbohydrate type foods to fuel them for a full day of hunting. And I don’t mean sitting in a deer blind or jumping on a ranger to chase pigs. Then, they needed lots of carbohydrates to keep up there strength. Times have changed but our breakfast has not. We need breakfast high in protein, vitamins and a bit of whole grains. Lucky for you, you have a nutri-grain bar everyday with your coffee right? Wrong!! That is a 100 calorie piece of card board as far as your digestive system is concerned. 

What if I told you my breakfast takes less than 60 seconds to prepare, has more nutrition in one serving than the average American consumes in a week and cost about $1.00 a day. Interested? Its just two scoops of Sp Complete, from Standard Process and one cup of pure fruit or vegetable juice. Viola! I also have either a hardboiled egg or add scoop of Standard Process whey protein to my shake. Quick, Easy, Cheap, tastes great, and keeps you full. Can’t argue with that.

A few other breakfast perks…

*Consume less calories though out the day leads to weight loss

*More energy leads to more calories burned throughout the day

*Overall better digestive health (78% of disease starts in the gut)


One last question, Out of 100%, How much do you want to get out of this life?

Braddock Chiropractic & Family Wellness
