“Flu Season” is upon us and you will notice 5 million signs, half the people you know, & the “experts” on TV urging you to get your flu shot. Recently, at a flu shot drive at a school up north one of the vaccines was accidently dropped on the gym floor and shattered. The Gym was evacuated and a HAZMAT team was called in to clean up the contamination! But don’t worry, it’s safe as long as we inject it straight into your body! SMH!!!
Please pray for their safety and my sanity this “flu season”.
Not sure the flu vaccine works?
Some Vaccine Manufacturers agree!
Just Look At Their Product Inserts:

The peer-reviews medical journal The Lancet found that only %2.7 of non-vaccinated adults caught the flu, which means that only 97.3% of them did not. Among vaccinated adults, 1.2% caught the flu. This means our big, expensive national vaccine drive will keep only 1.5 people out of 100 from catching the flu.
is it really worth it?

Supplement Spotlight
“Kill Them With Kidness”
So we have all heard the saying, but let’s talk about what it means for a second. When someone in your life is upsetting you or making you angry, rather than attacking or fighting back with them it is a less toxic way of dealing with difficult people. When it comes to your health, this is our approach to bacteria, viruses, and disease in the office. Kill it with kindness! In modern medicine today they use words like, fight and attack to describe the drugs you are putting in you and your families bodies. Anti (meaning against) and biotic (meaning life). To me those are scary things to think about when it comes to your body. We have a few products in the office that we use at the first sign of sickness that will regrow, rebuild and renew the good cells we need so infection is never able to grow in the first place. These are words I rather use to describe the things I’m putting in my body. Next time you are in the office pick up a bottle of Congaplex. It is the most powerful immune booster we know of other than the adjustment. This way you are prepared for the next time bad germs attack. No need to fight back. Kill them with kindness. Stay Healthy My Friends! -Jenna
Insolation not Isolation
As a young parent of young kids it is important for me to learn how to raise “up right” kids in an upside down world. I listened to a sermon not long ago that really shed some light in this area and so I thought I would share. The pastor said we should be much more concerned with INSOLATION instead of ISOLATION. Whether you have children at home or not, I think this is something we should all try to comprehend. In the book of John Jesus prayed not for His people to be taken out of the world but to be left in the world and to protect them. Many Christians are guilty of turning to a “holy huddle” and isolating themselves from the outside world and staying “safely” in the cover of a Christian cocoon. This does NO ONE any good. God did not call us to do this but rather be IN the world. We should focus more time on staying in God’s word and keeping focused on God’s promises to help INSOLATE us rather than running and seeking ISOLATION. Teach your kids what true north is and how to process and handle the world around them in God’s eyes rather than trying to shield them from ever even knowing it exist. In order for us to “GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES” we must be able to GO.