Don’t Get Shark Bit

Imagine that you are on vacation in the tropics. A couple hundred yards of a white sandy beach, you and your family are snorkeling in deep blue water and having tons of fun. You think to yourself,
“man, life is good!” with a big smile.
You look just past one of your kids and spot a shark fin poking out of the water about 20 yards away. Then another! All the sudden fun has gone right out the window. You are filled with absolute panic and terror.
A few minutes ago danger never crossed your mind but now these 16″ grey fins poking out of the water have changed all that.
You think back about how you decided to take your family snorkeling without a guide. You thought you could go it alone and have now led your family into shark infested waters and you are terrified to say the least.
Scary huh? Well, I think something similar to this is happening everyday with people you know.
Wonder what I’m talking about? Let me explain…
The waters that the family is swimming in were just as dangerous before the fins appeared. It was just much easier to not think of the danger until the fins were spotted.
I see people do this with their health everyday. People think as long as they have no disease diagnosis they must be healthy. Until they see the “fin”. They continue to go off course and dive deep into “dangerous waters” either oblivious or indifferent to the danger that is lurking there.
The fact is there are beautiful waters where sharks (disease) almost NEVER inhabit. Sometimes it may just take a skilled guide to make sure you and your family find the safest waters to enjoy.
The fact is, YOU have to be IN CHARGE! YOU have to be proactive to navigate the waters and get you and your family to the right place. You can’t wait until the fins appear to start the “rescue effort” of drug after drug after drug. Let’s face it. Taking medications to squelch symptoms is no different than trying to push down the shark fins with your flipper. Just because you managed to push 16 inches of shark fin back below the surface you aren’t in any less danger!
Think about it!!! The shark’s fin is probably the least dangerous part of the whole shark! No one ever gets bit with the fin! Don’t lose sight of the fact that the shark has a mouth full of razor sharp teeth and simply trying to get the fins (symptoms) to go away with flippers (medications) is not going to save you from the shark attack.
I hope this analogy hasn’t been too “murky” because understanding this could literally mean the difference between life and death for those you love. Invite them to come swim in the safe seas of health and wellness rather trying to navigate the savage seas of sickness and disease.
An Update is Available
Remember when you were a child and you were learning to count? Learning to count to 10 was a big accomplishment. The next year you learned to count higher and then you learned to add. Then subtract. Then, as time progressed, you learned multiplication and division, then long division and calculus and maybe trig. It would have been crazy to start you out with long division at age three. It also would be crazy to be a grown adult and never learned how to add 2 and 2.
When it comes to our relationship with Christ it is much the same. We start with singing Jesus loves me and learning a few bible verses. We start to read our children’ bible with a cartoon version of Jesus and then hopefully hear the gospel shared many times over the next few years and accept Christ into our hearts.
Then…. Most people stop there. It would be like never getting more than a 4th grade education. We know who Jesus is but there is so much more depth in really getting to know Him. There is an update available and it’s time to step up your operating system. It’s time to get to know Him on a deeper level. Don’t become complacent.
Stay engaged and keep learning about Jesus