Nutritional Inflation
99% of America is Nutrient Deficient.
This means that 99% of American’s (including our children) are missing some essential factor needed for normal growth and development.
When you think of all of the diagnosis of ADD, ADHD, autism, allergies, and digestive issues, can’t sleep, can’t stay awake, always sick, always moody and so on. It is not that your body is deficient in Adderall, or Ambien, or Xanax.
It’s that your body is, or has been, missing essential nutrients that is essential for proper sleep, mood, immunity, etc. BUT It’s not your fault. Society has made it so convenient to eat processed foods and empty calories that we now do it without even thinking what toxins we’re ingesting. Think back on what you ate yesterday. How much nutritional value do you think you absorbed?
Even close to the recommended daily intake? Not mention the more empty carbs and sugar you eat the more good nutrients you need to cancel out the damage.

Chances are your family is in the 99% that falls short. If it worries you that you and your family may not be getting the essential nutrients through diet, we have an easy solution. The General Health Pack from Standard Process. It is all 91 nutrients your body needs to face the day.
Your multivitamin, Omega-3, and mineral supplement all in one single portable packet.