Oil Pulling

The Mouth-Body Connection

Although oil pulling is commonly used to aid people in healing their oral health issues, such as gingivitis, tooth sensitivity, plaque buildup, and more, it also has been found to actually improve a person’s overall physical health. “The health of your mouth is tied to the health of your whole body.” When you have a healthy mouth (bacteria), you lay the foundation for a healthy body overall. Every process that runs in our bodies to keep us alive and healthy depends on bacteria, so we need to keep them healthy and in balance (85% good guys, 15% bad guys). Although over 80% of our immune system is in the gut, there are still trillions of bacteria in the mouth. Where does everything that goes into the gut pass through on its way?

What Is Oil Pulling Used For?

Beyond oral health issues, people have found great relief for a surprising
number of conditions: Arthritis, heart troubles, diabetes, joint issues, fatigue, and more. The list of things people heal with oil pulling is crazy amazing! Healing crisis issues might include nausea, diarrhea, rash, fatigue, etc. Most of these things make people think that they have either gotten sick or that the oil pulling is having an adverse effect. People get freaked out, but that just means your body is fighting something and/or detoxing. It shouldn’t last more than a day to maybe two weeks, tops, and then you’ll be in better health than before once you’re on the other end of a healing crisis. “Don’t stop oil pulling!”
The tricky part about that for the skeptics is the “what if?” the idea of getting worse before you get better comes up often in natural health, but in modern medicine chemo is one of the only things I can think of that hurts you to heal you.

How To Pull To Toxins?

Find a high quality raw coconut oil since it is one of the healthiest oils in the world and helps boost the thyroid. (Right after you wake up, drink a glass or two of water to start your saliva flow and then take about 1 tablespoon of oil into your mouth. Swish it around for as long as you can. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase to 15 to 20 minutes. I plop it into my mouth and swish away as I make my breakfast and pack my lunch.

Do not swallow the oil – it’s loaded with toxins! (But don’t beat yourself up if you accidentally do.) It is vital to spit out this oil after 15-20 minutes of swishing. Spit it out in the trash (not the sink as it can clog pipes) because this is the safest, cleanest and best way to eliminate used oil.

Be sure to wash out your mouth thoroughly to help clean out any lingering bacteria or toxins.

Ta da! You’re done. Now go about your day knowing that you’ve done a great thing for your overall healing

If you’re already healthy, a once a day oil pulling will help keep you that way. If you have more acute conditions, gradually build up to oil pulling 3 times a day before each