The Valley of The Blind

In the story, The Valley Of The Blind by HG Wells, a man travels into a long lost valley where he encounters a society where not only have the people lost their eyes, they possess no knowledge of eyesight whatsoever. Then, a lost man comes from modern times who has both his eyes and his sight, and wants to help the people of the village with this gift they’ve all lost. He dreams of being able to share his VISION with the villagers and lead them to a higher level of understanding with is eyesight. After some time in trying to describe what sight is by speaking of colors and shapes and sky, the villagers believe this man of sight has a problem. They believe something’s wrong with him and want him to live apart from them. They think he is crazy! In an effort to help him regain a sense of community with them, they give him the option of having his eyes removed to become like everyone else. This would make him behave in a way that would make him normal to the villagers and end his wild stories and strange behavior. Or…. He can keep his eyesight but be removed from the community because they are uncomfortable with his vision. I can’t help but to read this classic story by H.G. Wells and think of what is going on with health today. Slowly, over time, people have slowly lost their health and even their concept of what health really is. It has actually gotten to the point that if you try to tell someone what is possible and what true health REALLY is that it can make them uncomfortable. Many people are happy to accept that 8-10 prescription meds are normal and that 36 vaccines are absolutely necessary. Some believe that sickness comes from bad luck, bad genes, or bad timing and that their health is really out of their control. They believe their hope to become healthy is in a pill, potion, or vaccine. The fact is that that your health is yours to lose. That health comes from above down inside out and that God has created a miraculous body capable of extraordinary health when free from interference. As you learn more about health and seek to attain health and wellness rather than fight sickness and disease you are going to find that some people will not appreciate your “vision”. They would rather “gouge your eyes out” in order to make themselves more comfortable in their blindness. Our goal in our office is to help each person find their vision of true health for them and their families. If you know someone who we could help find a higher level of health please make sure to let them know about our office. Thanks for sharing our vision. Remember, you are living in THE VALLEY OF THE BLIND!