Weight loss Made Easy


How To Take Out The Trash

When it comes to weight loss we have a track record of being able to help people who have failed with most other methods. Some people call it miraculous weight loss but it’s really not. I am about to share with you how we can help people lose weight that they have never lost before. The secret is in toxins. Once you understand this you have got the tiger by the tail. You see the body is bombarded with toxins day in and day out. The terrible foods we eat, the preservatives, and dyes. All the chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis and so much more. Our bodies were created to deal with toxic exposure and we are equipped with multiple organs of detoxification. Skin, kidneys, liver, colon, etc. Here is where the problem comes in. When we take on more toxins that we can accumulate we have to store them away until the body catches up. Just like storing away left over food from last night’s dinner, you want to seal it up in a container before you put it in the fridge. If you don’t, the smell will “contaminate” the whole refrigerator. Your body does the same thing. When it’s time to store the toxins away it packages them up but not in Ziploc or Tupperware. It packages them in FAT!!! So no matter how much you exercise or starve to death, if you don’t remove the toxins the body WILL never allow you to lose the FAT! Your body is protecting you and you don’t even know it. When people complete our 21 day purification program they tend to lose weight better then all the other stuff they tried because rather than counting calories or endless cardio we are trying to get to the CAUSE OF THE ISSUE and eliminate the toxic storage you have. This program is 21 days in duration and does not limit your calories, portion size or quantity of food that you can eat. Our goal is that you never go hungry. There are limitation in what foods you can eat of course but we try to make it as simple as possible! There are several Standard Process supplements that you will take that will aid in the cleansing/detoxification process as well as a shake that you will have in addition to meals to make sure you never go hungry. This program has allowed thousands of people to elevate their level of health and drop those extra, unwanted pounds. The best part is when you are done you have actually created healthy eating habits that will stick with you and allow you to continue to achieve better health. If you have more questions on the program please see Jenna at the front desk or email her at [email protected]