What I Do When I’m Sick

1. GET ADJUSTED: I won’t spend too much time on this one but I have to put it #1 because it has THE BIGGEST impact on immunity. The nervous system controls the immune system. These are the weeks where bonus adjustments rock!

2. CONGAPLEX: Congaplex is a massive immune boosting supplement from Standard Process. It’s the 1 supplement I WON’T travel without! ANYONE can take it at ANY age!

3. THIEVES OIL: It’s is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils who’s immune boosting power is out of this world! I love using this on my kids! You should own this.

4. COLLOIDAL SILVER: Ever heard the expression “‘he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth?” It was said because rich people sed to have their sick kids suck on an actual silver spoon. The silver particles are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral. They were “lucky” because they got better faster! This stuff is incredible and something I use daily on my kids. 

5. ELDERBERRY SYRUP: This stuff is awesome for MAJOR cold and flu relief! It’s clinically proven to increase your immune system and it taste good too! Definitely one to have in your arsenal! 

When I am sick it’s importnat to ME to work with the way my body is designed to HEAL and FUNCTION rather than try to mask all the symptoms of my body trying to heal with medications. This is NOT medical ADVICE but simply the tools I use to help my family recover when ill and stay healthy throughout the year. I wouldn’t feel right not sharing what I have found to work for us. If you have any furhter questions, don’t hestitate to ask!