Doctor’s Blog

The doorknob stopper and how it could be holding you back.

KEEPING THE ELEPHANTS AWAY -Written by patient Patti Hanni A man was sitting on a park bench shredding old newspapers and spreading them around. "What are you doing?" asked a bystander. "I am spreading this paper around to keep the elephants away." The visitor looked...

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I came across a newspaper article from the 1930’s and I was totally intrigued by the topic. .... HOW TO TRAIN ELEPHANTS!!   Apparently training elephants begins at an early age. Trainers will drive a stake deep into the ground and attach a heavy chain to one of the...

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In chiropractic we have a saying that is ABOVE, DOWN, INSIDE, OUT.  When we were at church this weekend our pastor said something about inside out that really got me thinking.  I will explain more about what he was speaking of on the other side of the article but for...

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What’s in your wallet?

If you are a guy and reading this, odds are you are carrying a wallet. If you are a woman you are probably married to a guy carrying a wallet and it probably looks like the one above. Most guys have been doing this since the were barely a teen so it just seems...

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The ear infection solution

There is nothing worse than to see your child tugging at their ears with tears in their face because of the severe pain of an ear infection. Sleepless nights and endless doctors visits are a regular occurrence for many parents who are dealing with a child with ear...

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Cruise ship or nursing home?

Did you know that currently in the United States it is cheaper to live on a cruise ship full time than it is to live in a nursing home?  For real.  The average daily cost of to live in a nursing home is actually more than that the cost to live on a state of the art...

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Karen Erickson, DC ..American Chiropractic Association Well-designed studies have shown that chiropractic care (often just called “chiropractic”) is at least as effective -- and sometimes more effective -- than traditional medicine for treating certain types of...

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What Happens During the Adjustment???

Often times we take for granted what is actually taking place during a chiropractic adjustment.  After all it only takes a few minutes.  So what does actually happen?  Why does it make people feel so much better?  Let’s take a look. First, I use my hands to evaluate...

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When the big bad wolf comes

You remember the story.  The big bad wolf comes for the 3 little pigs.  He comes to the straw house and blows it down.  He comes to the stick house and blows it down.  But when he comes to the brick house he “huffs and puffs” but try as he may, the house wouldn’t...

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