by Site Admin | Dec 17, 2012 | Blog
Van Alstyne chiropractor is a little more complicated than Lego blocks You can find many similarities comparing the body to a stack of Legos. If your back is caddywhompus like a tower of Lego blocks you feel like falling over. Ok, you might not literally fall over...
by Site Admin | Dec 3, 2012 | Blog
Holistic chiropractor 75495 area Hole and whole, sound the same and mean polar opposites. Wholistic and holistic mean the same and come from the same root etymology. It’s one of those confusing little things in the English language, word hoard as it is....
by Site Admin | Nov 19, 2012 | Blog
Chiropractor in Van Alstyne gives evaluations When you first come in for an appointment, you receive an evaluation from your chiropractor. This is a necessary step because different pains and injuries need different chiropractic techniques. That is why, when you come...
by Site Admin | Nov 5, 2012 | Blog
Van Alstyne Chiropractors help with pregnancy Pregnancy can cause exceptionally bad back pain due to two major causes. Increased weight carried mainly in the front and increased hormones. The weight of a child changes the posture which strains the back. The increased...
by Site Admin | Oct 22, 2012 | Blog
Van Alstyne Chiropractic eliminates the need for drugs The grind of everyday is hard on the body. Through exercise, muscles can tighten, causing misalignments in the spine. Sometimes misalignments can happen just by how we sit in our chairs. When this happens, other...
by Site Admin | Oct 9, 2012 | Blog
Van Alstyne Chiropractor, a healthy choice The key to being healthy and strong is a healthy lifestyle. This means you need a healthy diet and exercise. Our Van Alstyne chiropractor can help you on the way to a healthier body and a healthier you. Getting started down...
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