
Breakfast You have heard it a thousand times. But do you really know why it is so important? What a difference it can make in your immediate and long term health? Breakfast, literally meaning to break the fasting period of the prior night, is the first meal taken...

Skinny Arms

Skinny Arms Imagine going to the gym with the intention of building muscle and getting stronger. You take your buddy with you to spot you. There is a problem though. Every time you are making a lift and struggling, even the least bit, your buddy grabs the weight and...


CHAINED UP! I came across a newspaper article from the 1930’s and I was totally intrigued by the topic. …. HOW TO TRAIN ELEPHANTS!!   Apparently training elephants begins at an early age. Trainers will drive a stake deep into the ground and attach a heavy chain...


ABOVE, DOWN, INSIDE, OUT In chiropractic we have a saying that is ABOVE, DOWN, INSIDE, OUT.  When we were at church this weekend our pastor said something about inside out that really got me thinking.  I will explain more about what he was speaking of on the other...